One solution could be to set bash
in interactive mode by starting it with system("/bin/bash -i");
and to set the prompt to the exit code of the last command.
First, a convenience function to make writing and reading simpler:
std::string command(int write_fd, int read_fd, std::string cmd) {
write(write_fd, cmd.c_str(), cmd.size());
cmd.resize(1024); // turn cmd into a buffer
auto len = read(read_fd,, cmd.size());
if(len == -1) len = 0;
return cmd;
Then in your parent process:
sleep(1); // ugly way to make reasonably sure the child has started bash
int& out = outPipeFD[1]; // for convenience
int& in = inPipeFD[0]; // for convenience
// first, set the prompt
std::cout << command(out, in, "export PS1='$?\n'
") << '
// then all these will print something
std::cout << command(out, in, "echo test
") << '
std::cout << command(out, in, "var=worked
") << '
std::cout << command(out, in, "echo $var
") << '
This way you will always have something to read - and you can also use it to verify that the command executed correctly.
If your bash
requires a real terminal in -i
(nteractive) mode, we have to do it without it. The idea:
- Add
echo $?
+ a delimiter to every command sent
- Set the pipes in non-blocking mode to be able to catch misc. bad situations, like if the command
is sent.
- Read until the delimiter is found or an error occurs.
To make the delimiter something hard to guess (to not be able to easily force reading to get out of sync) I would generate a new delimiter for every command.
Here is an example of what it could look like with those ideas in place with inline comments:
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// a function to generate a random string to use as a delimiter
std::string generate_delimiter() {
thread_local std::mt19937 prng(std::random_device{}());
thread_local std::uniform_int_distribution dist('a', 'z');
thread_local auto gen = [&]() { return dist(prng); };
std::string delimiter(128, 0);
std::generate(delimiter.begin(), delimiter.end(), gen);
return delimiter;
// custom exit codes for the command function
enum exit_status_t {
// a function executing a command and returning the output and exit code
std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, exit_status_t> command(int write_fd,
int read_fd,
std::string cmd) {
constexpr size_t BufSize = 1024;
// a string that is unlikely to show up in the output:
const std::string delim = generate_delimiter() + "
cmd += "
echo -e $?"\n"" + delim; // add echoing of status code
auto len = write(write_fd, cmd.c_str(), cmd.size()); // send the commands
if(len <= 0) return {{}, ES_WRITE_FAILED}; // couldn't write, return
cmd.resize(0); // use cmd to collect all read data
std::string buffer(BufSize, 0);
// a loop to extract all data until the delimiter is found
fd_set read_set{};
FD_SET(read_fd, &read_set);
while(true) {
// wait until something happens on the pipe
select(read_fd + 1, &read_set, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if((len = read(read_fd,, buffer.size())) <= 0) {
// Failed reading - pipe probably closed on the other side.
// Add a custom exit code and the delimiter and break out.
cmd += "
" + std::to_string(ES_READ_FAILED) + "
" + delim;
// append what was read to cmd
cmd.append(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + len);
// break out of the loop if we got the delimiter
if(cmd.size() >= delim.size() &&
cmd.substr(cmd.size() - delim.size()) == delim)
cmd.resize(cmd.size() - delim.size()); // remove the delimiter
// put what was read in an istringstream for parsing
std::istringstream is(cmd);
// extract line by line
std::vector<std::string> output;
while(std::getline(is, cmd)) {
// extract the exit code at the last line
exit_status_t retval = ES_EXIT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND;
if(not output.empty()) { // should never be empty but ...
retval = static_cast<exit_status_t>(std::stoi(output.back(), nullptr));
output.resize(output.size() - 1);
return {output, retval}; // return the pair
Test driver:
int main() {
int inPipeFD[2];
int outPipeFD[2];
// Create a read and write pipe for communication with the child process
// Set the read pipe to be non-blocking
fcntl(inPipeFD[0], F_SETFL, fcntl(inPipeFD[0], F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
fcntl(inPipeFD[1], F_SETFL, fcntl(inPipeFD[1], F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
// Create a child to run the job commands in
int pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) // Child
// Close STDIN and replace it with outPipeFD read end
dup2(outPipeFD[0], STDIN_FILENO);
close(outPipeFD[0]); // not needed anymore
// Close STDOUT and replace it with inPipe read end
dup2(inPipeFD[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
close(inPipeFD[1]); // not needed anymore
// execl() is cleaner than system() since it replaces the process
// completely. Use /bin/sh instead if you'd like.
execl("/bin/bash", "bash", nullptr);
return 1; // to not run the parent code in case execl fails
// Parent
// Close the read end of the write pipe
// Close the write end of the read pipe
int& out = outPipeFD[1]; // for convenience
int& in = inPipeFD[0]; // for convenience
// a list of commands, including an erroneous command(foobar) + exit
for(std::string cmd : {"echo test", "var=worked", "echo $var", "foobar", "exit"})
std::cout << "EXECUTING COMMAND: " << cmd << '
auto [output, exit_status] = command(out, in, cmd);
// print what was returned
for(auto str : output) std::cout << str << '
std::cout << "(exit status=" << exit_status << ")
Possible output:
(exit status=0)
(exit status=0)
(exit status=0)
bash: line 7: foobar: command not found
(exit status=127)
(exit status=257)