Cron is a time-based scheduling service in Linux / Unix-like computer operating systems. Cron job are used to schedule commands to be executed periodically.
You can setup commands or scripts, which will repeatedly run at a set time. Cron is one of the most useful tool in Linux or UNIX like operating systems. The cron service (daemon) runs in the background and constantly checks the /etc/crontab file, /etc/cron./* directories. It also checks the /var/spool/cron/ directory.
Configuring Cron Tasks
In the following example, the crontab command shown below will activate the cron tasks automatically every ten minutes:
*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /opt/test.php
In the above sample, the */10 * * * * represents when the task should happen. The first figure represents minutes – in this case, on every "ten" minute. The other figures represent, respectively, hour, day, month and day of the week.
is a wildcard, meaning "every time".
Start with finding out your PHP binary by typing in command line:
whereis php
The output should be something like:
php: /usr/bin/php /etc/php.ini /etc/php.d /usr/lib64/php /usr/include/php /usr/share/php /usr/share/man/man1/php.1.gz
Specify correctly the full path in your command.
Type the following command to enter cronjob:
crontab -e
To see what you got in crontab.
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