This answer shows a logically pure way to do it. The following is based on clpfd.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
We define meta-predicate tcount/3
similarly to tfilter/3
:- meta_predicate tcount(2,?,?).
tcount(P_2,Xs,N) :-
N #>= 0,
:- meta_predicate list_pred_tcount_(?,2,?,?).
list_pred_tcount_([] , _ ,N ,N).
list_pred_tcount_([X|Xs],P_2,N0,N) :-
if_(call(P_2,X), (N1 is N0+1, N1 #=< N), N1 = N0),
Now let's use tcount/3
in combination with (=)/3
?- tcount(=(yes),[yes,and,yes,and,no],Count).
Count = 2.
Unlike the code presented by all other answers to this question, the code presented in this answer is monotone and remains logically sound even when using it with non-ground terms:
?- tcount(=(yes),[A,B,C,D],2).
A=yes , B=yes , dif(C,yes), dif(D,yes)
; A=yes , dif(B,yes), C=yes , dif(D,yes)
; A=yes , dif(B,yes), dif(C,yes), D=yes
; dif(A,yes), B=yes , C=yes , dif(D,yes)
; dif(A,yes), B=yes , dif(C,yes), D=yes
; dif(A,yes), dif(B,yes), C=yes , D=yes
; false.
Let's try something even more general:
?- tcount(=(yes),[A,B,C,D],Count).
A=yes , B=yes , C=yes , D=yes , Count = 4
; A=yes , B=yes , C=yes , dif(D,yes), Count = 3
; A=yes , B=yes , dif(C,yes), D=yes , Count = 3
; A=yes , B=yes , dif(C,yes), dif(D,yes), Count = 2
; A=yes , dif(B,yes), C=yes , D=yes , Count = 3
; A=yes , dif(B,yes), C=yes , dif(D,yes), Count = 2
; A=yes , dif(B,yes), dif(C,yes), D=yes , Count = 2
; A=yes , dif(B,yes), dif(C,yes), dif(D,yes), Count = 1
; dif(A,yes), B=yes , C=yes , D=yes , Count = 3
; dif(A,yes), B=yes , C=yes , dif(D,yes), Count = 2
; dif(A,yes), B=yes , dif(C,yes), D=yes , Count = 2
; dif(A,yes), B=yes , dif(C,yes), dif(D,yes), Count = 1
; dif(A,yes), dif(B,yes), C=yes , D=yes , Count = 2
; dif(A,yes), dif(B,yes), C=yes , dif(D,yes), Count = 1
; dif(A,yes), dif(B,yes), dif(C,yes), D=yes , Count = 1
; dif(A,yes), dif(B,yes), dif(C,yes), dif(D,yes), Count = 0.
What about the following corner case?
?- tcount(_,_,-1).
And how about utilizing tcount/3
as an alternative to length/2
?- N in 1..3, length(Xs,N).
N = 1, Xs = [_A]
; N = 2, Xs = [_A,_B]
; N = 3, Xs = [_A,_B,_C]
... % does not terminate
?- use_module(library(lambda)).
?- N in 1..3, tcount(\_^ =(true),Xs,N).
N = 1, Xs = [_A]
; N = 2, Xs = [_A,_B]
; N = 3, Xs = [_A,_B,_C]
; false. % terminates universally