I think it's better to use the symmetric difference operation of sets to do that Here is the link to the doc.
>>> dict1 = {1:'donkey', 2:'chicken', 3:'dog'}
>>> dict2 = {1:'donkey', 2:'chimpansee', 4:'chicken'}
>>> set1 = set(dict1.items())
>>> set2 = set(dict2.items())
>>> set1 ^ set2
{(2, 'chimpansee'), (4, 'chicken'), (2, 'chicken'), (3, 'dog')}
It is symmetric because:
>>> set2 ^ set1
{(2, 'chimpansee'), (4, 'chicken'), (2, 'chicken'), (3, 'dog')}
This is not the case when using the difference operator.
>>> set1 - set2
{(2, 'chicken'), (3, 'dog')}
>>> set2 - set1
{(2, 'chimpansee'), (4, 'chicken')}
However it may not be a good idea to convert the resulting set to a dictionary because you may lose information:
>>> dict(set1 ^ set2)
{2: 'chicken', 3: 'dog', 4: 'chicken'}