I am building a little website where users can manage personal gear, which has a name and mass among other properties. I want to display all of this gear in a table, using input boxes bound to each item so the user can change values if desired, then hit an edit button and update the gear database. I can get my foreach loop to bind all of the right values, but when it routes to the handler, it always sets the EditGearName and EditGearMass value to whatever value is in the first row.
@foreach (var g in Model.Gears) {
<tr class="list-table-main">
<td><input class="form-control" asp-for="EditGearName" value="@g.GearName" /></td>
<td><input class="form-control" asp-for="EditGearMass" value="@g.Mass" type="number" min="0" /></td>
<td style="width:12.5%"><button type="submit" asp-page-handler="EditGear" asp-route-groupid="@gg.ID">Save</button></td>