There are as many ways to do this as lines of code in the example I will show.
- The easiest way is to use a sync library
- Failing that, is to delete and copy the directory.
- If you don't want that, the safest way (albeit prone to more data races) is to hash all the files, make a list of files to remove, add, update.
- The unsafest way is to do the above but instead use file date
Personally id just delete and copy and move on to something else, however you could try this.
Forewarning : Use a sync library if you can find one. This is purely for academic purposes and doesn't equate to the worlds best solution
public static (HashSet<string> dirs, HashSet<(string file,long tick)> files) Get(string dir)
string CleanPath(string path) => path.Substring(dir.Length).TrimStart('/', '\');
// replace this with a hashing method if you need
long GetUnique(string path) => new FileInfo(path).LastWriteTime.Ticks;
var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(dir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
var dirHash = directories.Select(CleanPath).ToHashSet();
// this could be paralleled if need be (if using a hash)
var fileHash = directories.SelectMany(Directory.EnumerateFiles)
.Select(file => (name: CleanPath(file), ticks : GetUnique(file)))
return (dirHash, fileHash);
var result1 = Get(dir1);
var result2 = Get(dir2);
var dirsToRemove = result2.dirs.Where(x => !result1.dirs.Contains(x));
var filesToRemove = result2.files.Where(x => !result1.files.Contains(x));
var filesToAdd = result1.files.Where(x => !result2.files.Contains(x));
foreach (var fileToRemove in filesToRemove)
Console.WriteLine("Deleting : " + Path.Combine(dir2, fileToRemove.file));
foreach (var dirToRemove in dirsToRemove)
Console.WriteLine("Deleting : " + Path.Combine(dir2, dirToRemove));
foreach (var fileToAdd in filesToAdd)
Console.WriteLine("Adding : " + Path.Combine(dir2,fileToAdd.file));
Note : There are many ways for this to fail, the assumption is you have permissions to do this and files aren't locked. This also should have a significant amount of error checking, may need to be customized, and you should use an extreme amount of due diligence before you use it (be warned)