I would like to add blank space in the middle of the text file if the length of any line is less than the fixed length(10). The position of blank space is fixed after the 4th character.
File like this:
ABCEFGH K<— length: 10
ABCDE FGH<- length: 10
ABCD EFG<- length: 9
ABCDE FGH<- length: 9
ABCDE<-length: 5
Desired output:
ABCEFGH K<— length: 10
ABCDE FGH<- length: 10
ABCD EFG<- length: 10
ABCD EFGH<- length: 10
ABCD E<- length: 10
I’m really new to bash. I have tried approach like using awk and sed to append 0 if the line is less than fixed length. It works perfect but what I would like to achieve is to add blank space at given position and so to modify the original file.
I appreciate for any insights!
Approach that I tried:
< https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46443750/appending-0s-to-a-file-in-unix-bash-if-the-line-is-less-than-a-fixed-length/46443954>
awk '{ if(length<10) printf "%s%0*d
",$0,10-length,0; else print }' test.txt
This is the code from the above link that I have tried. As I couldn’t figure out the way to add blank space in the middle, and keep every line in the fixed length, so I couldn’t provide the code for it. I apologise for not providing the code.