I have a peice of SQL that I am using to generate this table -
patient status lag_start_date thru_dt group
10000 30 20191104 20200102 20497762
10000 30 20200103 20497762
10000 01 20200302 20497763
The first two are given the same group because of various conditions/case statements I have.
How do I get the third record to have the same group if the first record of a particular patient has a lag_start_date
and all the other records are given the same group as the first record (e.g. Both 1 and 2 have the group of 20497762).
An example of a query that returns the above result is -
SELECT patient
WHEN LAG(STATUS, 1) OVER patient_window is null THEN nextval('patient_grouping')
WHEN nullif(lag(start_date, 1) over patient_date_window, '')::DATE is not null
AND LAG(status_cd, 1) over patient_date_window = '30'
then currval('patient_grouping')
else nextval('patient_grouping')
END as claim_group
from claims
The output I want is
patient status lag_start_date thru_dt group
10000 30 20191104 20200102 20497762
10000 30 20200103 20497762
10000 01 20200302 20497762
Notice that the last record is also given the same group.