I am doing something funky. The user is allowed to choose images from his phone's gallery or take a picture with his camera.
I then upload that image to Firebase storage
and retrieve the URL
to save it to firestore
, so that I can reference that image when the user wants to edit his selections.
That portion works great.
When the edit page opens, there is a quick error that displays, but the image still displays. I want to get rid of that "quick error".
this is the error I get before the image is loaded:
RangeError (index): Invalid value: Valid value range is empty: 0
the other problem I do not know what image is being loaded into my variable it can a FILE (user can change the image from his gallery/camera) or a string (URL from firestore, displaying image that was previously selected)
my wonderful nested:
child: (imageFile1 != null)
? Image.file(
width: (size.width - 8 * 4) * 0.33,
fit: BoxFit.cover,
: (imageList[0] == null)
? Image.asset(
width: (size.width - 8 * 4) * 0.33,
fit: BoxFit.cover,
: Image.network(
width: (size.width - 8 * 4) * 0.33,
fit: BoxFit.cover,
gets loaded in the initstate
(Therefore, I have a method with Future and await involved to go fetch that information from firetsore
gets loaded when the user decides to change the image to another one from his gallery/camera
default image
, if both are null then display missing image jpg.
I tried debugging and it seems the scaffold is being called before the initstate??? Which is strange to me...