I've been doing some reading and it seems like when you implement a socket.io server, the server can provide the required client side files.
Example of a nodejs application:
(it's verbose on purpose... so I can learn)
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const socketio = require('socket.io');
app.use (express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
const expressServer = app.listen(9000);
const io = socketio(expressServer, {
path: '/socket.io',
serveClient: true,
transports: ['polling','websocket']
Client side code:
<!-- expose the socket.io client api -->
<script src='/socket.io/socket.io.js'></script>
//invoke io / connect to the socket server running on localhost 9000. Per the docs, it also creates a new "manager" at the same time: https://socket.io/docs/v3/client-api/#io-url-options
// any of the "options" you create with the connection, the manager takes care of.
const socket = io('http://localhost:9000');
socket.emit('msgToServer',{data: "Client says: 'doodee'"}) //https://socket.io/docs/v3/client-api/#socket-emit-eventName-%E2%80%A6args-ack
console.log('Server just pinged');
socket.on('pong', (latency)=>{
console.log('Ponged the server');
In this type of an example... where the client is a web application, I can see that the server , by virtue of the fact that we set "serveClient" to true, provides the client with the client side socketio API.
But how do you do this in a node to node example?
Also ... I think the bigger question is why should I do this? Why is it better(?) to have the server provide clients with the API?
One answer I can think of is that the server will provide a version of the API that compatible. aka to avoid version incompatibilities between the server and the client.
Am I understanding this correctly?
any other use cases?