Static allocation will be much faster. Static allocation can happen at global scope, and on the stack.
In global scope statically allocated memory is built into the binary image. That is the total size of the memory required, and where it is to be located in the running binary is computed at compile time. Then when the program loads the operating system loader will allocate enough memory for all the global static arrays. I'm pretty sure it happens in constant time for all the allocations. ( e.g. more allocations don't cost more time )
In local scope, static allocations are allocated on the stack. This involves simply reserving a fixed number of bytes on the stack, and happens in constant time per allocation. Stack space is very limited.
Dynamic memory must be allocated from a heap, and even in the best case most allocations will take time that scales more than linear with each allocation, like n log n time or something.
Also practically speaking the dynamic allocation will be many times slower than static allocation.
@update: As has been pointed out in comments below: stack allocations are not technically static allocations ( but they are allocations with the syntactic form used in OP's question ).
Also when speaking about "allocation time", I'm considering total time to manage the memory ( alloc and free ).
In some dynamic allocators allocation time is faster than freeing time.
It is also true that some fast allocators trade memory efficiency for allocation speed. In these cases static is still "better" in that static and stack allocs are no time and constant time respectively while allocating exact sized blocks.
Dynamic allocators to be fast trade off significant memory efficiency ( e.g. buddy allocators round up to the next power of two sized block, like 33k alloc will use 64k )