Your derivative is wrong, at this level it should be
(gofx[i]-gofx[i-1]) / (x[i]-x[i-1])
But this is only a first order approximation of the derivative, the task asks for a second error order. That is, for the derivative at x[i]
, you have to take the interpolation polynomial through the points x[i-1], x[i], x[i+1]
and their values
g[x[i]] + g[x[i],x[i+1]] * (x-x[i]) + g[x[i],x[i-1],x[i+1]] * (x-x[i])*(x-x[i-1])
and compute the derivative of it at x=x[i]
. Or alternatively, from the Taylor expansion you know that
(gofx[i]-gofx[i-1]) / (x[i]-x[i-1]) = g'(x[i]) - 0.5*g''(x[i])*(x[i]-x[i-1])+...
(gofx[i+1]-gofx[i]) / (x[i+1]-x[i]) = g'(x[i]) + 0.5*g''(x[i])*(x[i+1]-x[i])+...
Combining both you can eliminate the term with g''(x[i])
so if
dx = x[1:]-x[:-1]
dg = g[1:]-g[:-1]
are the simple differences, then the first order derivative with second error order is
dg_dx = dg/dx
diff_g = ( dx[:-1]*(dg_dx[1:]) + dx[1:]*(dg_dx[:-1]) ) / (dx[1:]+dx[:-1])
This is written so that the nature as convex combination becomes obvious.
For the integral, the cumulative trapezoidal quadrature should be sufficient.
sum( 0.5*(g[:-1]+g[1:])*(x[1:]-x[:-1]) )
Use the cumulative sum if you want the anti-derivative as function (table).
You might want to extract the data into numpy arrays directly, there should be functions in pandas that do that.
In total I get the short script
x,g = np.loadtxt('').T
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(x,g,x,np.sin(x)+1); plt.legend(["table g values", "$1+sin(x)$"]); plt.grid();
dx = x[1:]-x[:-1]
dg = g[1:]-g[:-1]
dg_dx = dg/dx
diff_g = ( dx[:-1]*(dg_dx[1:]) + dx[1:]*(dg_dx[:-1]) ) / (dx[1:]+dx[:-1])
plt.plot(x,g,x[1:-1],diff_g); plt.legend(["g", "g'"]); plt.grid();
int_g = np.cumsum(0.5*(g[1:]+g[:-1])*(x[1:]-x[:-1]))
plt.plot(x[1:],int_g,x,x); plt.legend(["integral of g","diagonal"]); plt.grid();
resulting in the plot collection
showing first that indeed the data is of the function g(x)=1+sin(x)
, that the derivative correctly looks like the cosine and the integral is x+1-cos(x)