I have a Windows VB application developed in Visual Studio 2013 that incorporates a CefSharp Chromium web browser (version 86.0.241 using the NuGet packages). Target CPU is set to x86, the build output path is set to binx86debug, Configuration is set to Active (debug) and the Platform is set to Active (x86). The web browser works great on the development machine, but when I deploy the app to the target machine (which is a server), the browser displays a blank screen and freezes.
The CefSharp support files are included in the deployment package (InnoSetup), but I'm confused on which version of VC++ redistributables I need to deploy.The CefSharp FAQ's state that with versions 65.0.0 and above, the minimum of VC++2015 needs to be deployed. I had the client install this version on the target machine (when I originally deployed this app, I did not include the VC++ redistributables), but the browser still does not work. Do I need to deploy a different version?
Any other ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Please help!
Here is a link to the .zip file containing the CEF debug.log files from the client's three servers (the three servers rotate based on demand):
Please let me know if any of these provides the reason why the Chromium browser is displaying only a blank page.
Details of the log entry mentioned in my last comment:
[1228/093028.760:INFO:CONSOLE(32)] "Refused to connect to 'https://collection.decibelinsight.net/i/13878/265573/c.json' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src https://qbonline.api.intuit.net https://cdn.decibelinsight.net https://api.segment.io 'self' https://.intuit.com https://.intuit.com:* https://.intuitcdn.net: https://hosted-shell-assets-us-west-2.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com wss://plugin-localhost.intuitcdn.net:* wss://plugin.intuitcdn.net:* https://.intuit.net wss://.msg.liveperson.net/ws_api/account/ https://*.objectstorage.liveperson.net/ https://scripts.neuro-id.com https://api.neuro-id.com https://logs.neuro-id.com".
", source: https://cdn.decibelinsight.net/i/13878/265573/di.js (32)
Code from Auth Class (the form that opens and displays the Chromium browser):
Imports Intuit.Ipp.OAuth2PlatformClient
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web
Imports CefSharp
Imports CefSharp.WinForms
Public Class Auth
Public WithEvents Browser As ChromiumWebBrowser
Dim Settings As New CefSettings
Private Sub Auth_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
oauthClient = New OAuth2Client(ClientID, ClientSecret, RedirectURL, "production")
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
Dim scopes As List(Of OidcScopes) = New List(Of OidcScopes)()
authorizeURL = oauthClient.GetAuthorizationURL(scopes)
Browser = New ChromiumWebBrowser(authorizeURL)
Browser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
End Sub
Private Sub Browser_AddressChanged(sender As Object, e As AddressChangedEventArgs) Handles Browser.AddressChanged
Dim Str As String = Browser.Address
If InStr(Str, "&realmID", CompareMethod.Text) Then
Dim q = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Browser.Address)
Dim Code As String = ""
Dim RealmID As String = ""
For Each key In q.Keys
If InStr(key, "code") Then
Code = q.Item(key)
ElseIf InStr(key, "realmId", CompareMethod.Text) Then
RealmID = q.Item(key)
End If
Call GetAuthTokens(Code, RealmID)
End If
End Sub
End Class
The "Address_Changed" event can be ignored and the first 5 lines of the "Load" event all relate to another SDK used in the app, none of which is related to the Chromium browser.