21 Digital signals, message buffering and event polling.
22 Entity/component/systems and world replication.
23 Scripting, bindings and game modules.
24 Navpoints, navmesh traversal and pathfinding.
25 AI, H/FSM, behavior trees and flocking.
26 Game flow and game UI.
27 Localization, subtitles and unicode.
28 2D/3D audio, HRTF, FFT, filtering and sound occlusion.
29 Dialogue, quests and inventory.
30 Full Motion Video and integrated cinematics.
31 Editor, gizmos, properties, timeline and data tracks.
32 Debugger, callstack, inspection, console, leaks, cvars and profiling.
2019.2 (Monkey3_Icarus), 2019.1 (YOB_Marrow)
Getting started
Execute the make.sh.bat script file to build & run the editor.
make (launch editor)
make game [platform] (launch game)
make make [game] [platform] (make game.exe executable)
make cook [game] [platform] (cook all raw game assets)
make pack [game] [platform] (pack all cooked game assets into game.pak file)
make fuse [game] [platform] (fuse game.pak and game.exe both together)
Disk structure
editor/, generic 3d editor and viewer.
engine/, portable engine runtime.
games/, games and demos.
tools/, build tools & generic asset pipeline.
AVA as engine:
Compile the amalgamated engine.c source file to get a functional game engine.
Compile your game as a dynamic library and place it near the AVA executable.
Tip: Rename both executable and dynamic library as desired. Ie, game.exe with game.dll will work.
Tip: Place an .ico icon close to the binary if you want to as well.
cl engine.c && echo AVA as engine (Windows)
g++ engine.c && echo AVA as engine (Linux)
clang++ engine.c && echo AVA as engine (OSX)
AVA as library:
Compile your game and link amalgamated engine.c source file with it.
cl game.c engine.c && echo AVA as library (Windows)
g++ game.c engine.c && echo AVA as library (Linux)
clang++ game.c engine.c && echo AVA as library (OSX)
- game.exe + .ico (engine player)
- game.dll/.lua/.socket (game logic) \
- game.rom/.pak (ro data storage) | game :)
- game.ram/.sql (rw data storage) /
The project is released into the public domain (as per this notice).
Any contribution to this repository is implicitly subjected to the same release conditions.