Step1: R语言的画图代码MyCircle.R,这里我们先给出代码,根据代码的文件需求,准备材料。在以下代码中,开头即指明了需要的材料,有
LobeID <- read.table("./Circle edges/LobeID.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") head(LobeID) GeneID <- read.table("./Circle edges/GyrusID.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") head(GeneID) GeneFe <- read.table("./Circle edges/ROIID.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") head(GeneFe) Links <- read.table("./Circle edges/Links.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") head(Links) LobeID$LobeID <- factor(LobeID$LobeID, levels = LobeID$LobeID) library(stringi) library(circlize) pdf("circlize1.pdf",width = 17.5,height = 10) par(mar=rep(0,4)) circos.clear() circos.par(start.degree = 90, #从哪里开始画,沿着逆时针顺序 gap.degree = 2, #每两个sectors间的间隔大小,此处是每两个组间的间隔 track.margin = c(0,0.08), #gap.degree规定了左右,track.margin规定上下 cell.padding = c(0,0,0,0) #? ) #### 根据"LobeID.txt"画组 #图是多个组围成的一个圈,其中每个组及其亚组都画在一个单独的坐标系里 circos.initialize(factors = LobeID$LobeID, xlim = cbind(LobeID$LobeStart, LobeID$LobeEnd)) circos.trackPlotRegion(ylim = c(0, 1), factors = LobeID$LobeID, track.height=0.1, #panel.fun for each sector panel.fun = function(x, y) { #select details of current sector name <- get.cell.meta.data("sector.index") i <- get.cell.meta.data("sector.numeric.index") xlim <- get.cell.meta.data("xlim") ylim <- get.cell.meta.data("ylim") #组ID文字的设置 circos.text(x = mean(xlim), y = 1, labels = name, cex = 1.7, #组ID文字大小 #col = "darkgrey", #组ID的颜色 adj = c(0.5,-0.8) #如果想让组ID呈放射状排列,就用下面三行代替上面那行 #niceFacing = TRUE, #组ID头朝上 #facing = "reverse.clockwise", #adj = c(1.5, -0.8) #组ID的位置 ) #画组 circos.rect(xleft = xlim[1], ybottom = ylim[1], xright = xlim[2], ytop = ylim[2], col = "blue", border = "black") }) #### 根据"GyrusID.txt"画亚组 library(graphics) #bgcol <- rainbow(sum(LobeID$LobeEnd), s = 1, v = 1, start = 0, end = max(1, sum(LobeID$LobeEnd) - 1)/sum(LobeID$LobeEnd), alpha = 1) for (i in seq_len(nrow(GeneID))){ ylim <- c(0, 1) circos.rect(sector.index = GeneID$LobeID[i], track.index = 1, xleft = GeneID$featureStart[i], # + 0.01, #让feature之间流出空隙 ybottom = ylim[1], xright = GeneID$featureEnd[i], # - 0.01, #让feature之间流出空隙 ytop = ylim[2], #如果想让每个方块颜色不同,用彩虹色画每一个Gene feature就运行下面这行 #col = bgcol[i], #如果想让每个组用同一个颜色,调用输入文件中写好的颜色,就运行下面这行 col = "white", border = paste("#", GeneID$barColor[i], sep = ""), lwd = 8) } # 亚组的文字 for (i in seq_len(nrow(GeneID))){ ylim <- c(0, 1) circos.text((GeneID$featureStart[i] + GeneID$featureEnd[i])/2, ylim[1] + 0.5, GeneID$GyrusID[i], sector.index = GeneID$LobeID[i], facing = "inside", cex = 0.9) } circos.trackPlotRegion(ylim = c(0, 1), factors = LobeID$LobeID, track.height=0.1, #panel.fun for each sector panel.fun = function(x, y) { #select details of current sector name <- get.cell.meta.data("sector.index") i <- get.cell.meta.data("sector.numeric.index") xlim <- get.cell.meta.data("xlim") ylim <- get.cell.meta.data("ylim") #画组 circos.rect(xleft = xlim[1], ybottom = ylim[1], xright = xlim[2], ytop = ylim[2], col = "blue", border = "white",lwd = 6) }) #提需求的小伙伴还想让圆圈图中每个方块颜色不同,整体显示彩虹色,就像circlize_rainbow.pdf那样的效果,就把下面这个for循环里的“col = ...”行换成“col = bgcol[i], ” #运行下面两行,设置彩虹色 library(graphics) bgcol <- rainbow(sum(LobeID$LobeEnd), s = 1, v = 1, start = 0, end = max(1, sum(LobeID$LobeEnd) - 1)/sum(LobeID$LobeEnd), alpha = 1) for (i in seq_len(nrow(GeneFe))){ ylim <- c(0, 1) circos.rect(sector.index = GeneFe$LobeID[i], track.index = 2, xleft = GeneFe$featureStart[i], # + 0.01, #让feature之间流出空隙 ybottom = ylim[1], xright = GeneFe$featureEnd[i], # - 0.01, #让feature之间流出空隙 ytop = ylim[2], #如果想让每个方块颜色不同,用彩虹色画每一个Gene feature就运行下面这行 #col = bgcol[i], #如果想让每个组用同一个颜色,调用输入文件中写好的颜色,就运行下面这行 col = paste("#", GeneFe$barColor[i], sep = ""), border = "gray") } # 亚组的文字 for (i in seq_len(nrow(GeneFe))){ ylim <- c(0, 1) circos.text(GeneFe$featureStart[i] + 0.5, ylim[1] + 0.5, GeneFe$ROIID[i], sector.index = GeneFe$LobeID[i], facing = "inside", cex = 0.8) } #### 根据"Links.txt"画连线 for(i in seq_len(nrow(Links))){ circos.link(sector.index1 = Links$ROI_1[i], point1 = Links[i, 2], sector.index2 = Links$ROI_2[i], point2 = Links[i, 4], #在输入文件中已经写好了连线的颜色 col = paste("#", Links$link_color[i], sep = ""), #如果不想在输入文件中写颜色,还可以运行下面这行,在这里指定颜色 #col = "red", border = FALSE, lwd = 2, #连线的粗细 rou = 0.64, #连线起始和终止点的y值(圆半径的百分比) h.ratio = 0.7 #连线的拱形高度,数值越大,拱形越低 #h.ratio = Links$link_height[i] #在输入文件中指定拱形高度 ) } #Legend of brain regions GeneCol<-data.frame(legendID=GeneID$GyrusID,legendCol=GeneID$barColor) GeneCol_uniq<-base::unique(GeneCol) legend(1,0.2, bty = "n",#不要边框 pch = 16,#画成正方形,圆点是16 cex = 1.2, legend = c("SFG:Superior_Frontal_Gyrus","PrG:Precentral_Gyrus","PCL:Paracentral_Lobule", "STG:Superior_Temporal_Gyrus","MTG:Middle_Temporal_Gyrus","FuG:Fusiform_Gyrus", "SPL:Superior_Parietal_Lobule","IPL:Inferior_Parietal_Lobuleb","PoG:Postcentral_Gyrus", "MVOcC:Medio_Ventral_Occipital_Cortex","LOcC:lateral_Occipital_Cortex"), col = paste0("#",GeneCol_uniq$legendCol), horiz = FALSE) #Legend of links LinksCol<-data.frame(Links$link_color) LinksCol_uniq<-base::unique(LinksCol) legend(1,0.4, bty = "n", lty = 1,#画线 lwd = 5,#线的粗细 legend = c("Not Significantly correlated with HAMD","Significantly correlated with HAMD"), col = paste0("#",LinksCol_uniq$Links.link_col), horiz = FALSE) dev.off()
Step2: 准备材料
edge_for_circles: 代表节点对,及具有显著差异的边
edge_all = unique(edge_for_cirles); %得到独一无二的脑区代号 edge_all_s = sort(edge_all); %对以上脑区编号排个序 edge_s = sortrows(edge_for_cirles); %对节点对进行扩展排序,按照起点的排序进行排序 name_all = name_246(edge_all_s,2); %得到节点名的mat矩阵
import scipy.io as sio import pandas as pd datafile = './edge_num.mat' mat = sio.loadmat(datafile) full_name = pd.read_csv("./full_nameOfROIs.csv") index_global = mat['edge_all_s'] save_file_name = "for_circle.node" i = 0 for line in open('./node246.node'): i = i + 1 a = i // 2 b = i % 2 if b == 0: app = full_name["ROI_R"][a - 1] elif b == 1: app = full_name["ROI_L"][a] if i in index_global: if i in range(0, 69): Lobe = "Frontal_Lobe" if i in range(0, 15): Gyrus = "Superior_Frontal_Gyrus" elif i in range(15, 29): Gyrus = "Middle_Frontal_Gyrus" elif i in range(29, 41): Gyrus = "Inferier_Frontal_Gyrus" elif i in range(41, 53): Gyrus = "Orbital_Gyrus" elif i in range(53, 65): Gyrus = "Precentral_Gyrus" elif i in range(65, 69): Gyrus = "Paracentral_Lobule" elif i in range(69, 125): Lobe = "Temporal_Lobe" if i in range(69, 81): Gyrus = "Superior_Temporal_Gyrus" elif i in range(81, 89): Gyrus = "Middle_Temporal_Gyrus" elif i in range(89, 103): Gyrus = "Inferior_Temporal_Gyrus" elif i in range(103, 109): Gyrus = "Fusiform_Gyrus" elif i in range(109, 121): Gyrus = "Parahippocampal_Gyrus" elif i in range(121, 125): Gyrus = "posterior_Superior_Temporal_Sulcus" elif i in range(125, 163): Lobe = "Parietal_Lobe" if i in range(125, 135): Gyrus = "Superior_Parietal_Lobule" elif i in range(135, 147): Gyrus = "Inferior_Parietal_Lobule" elif i in range(147, 155): Gyrus = "Precuneus" elif i in range(155, 163): Gyrus = "Postcentral_Gyrus" elif i in range(163, 175): Lobe = "Insular_Lobe" Gyrus = "Insular_Gyrus" elif i in range(175, 189): Lobe = "Limbic_Lobe" Gyrus = "Cingulate_Gyrus" elif i in range(189, 211): Lobe = "Occipital_Lobe" if i in range(189, 199): Gyrus = "Medio_Ventral_Occipital_Cortex" elif i in range(199, 211): Gyrus = "lateral_Occipital_Cortex" elif i in range(211, 247): Lobe = "Subcortical_Nuclei" if i in range(211, 215): Gyrus = "Amygdala" elif i in range(215, 219): Gyrus = "Hippocampus" elif i in range(219, 231): Gyrus = "Basal_Ganglia" elif i in range(213, 247): Gyrus = "Thalamus" print(Lobe, ",", Gyrus, ",", line) with open(save_file_name, "a+") as f: f.write("{Lobe} {Gyrus} {line}".format(Lobe = Lobe, Gyrus = Gyrus, line = line)) f.close()
生成了“for_circle.node”文件之后,使用matlab读取,在制作数据材料ROIID.txtyiji Links.txt文件的时候,先用以下matlab代码将每一列的内容生成出来,然后粘贴到excel里面,最后粘贴到txt文件里面,有点绕是吧,这就是意识流,用最快的方法,即便有点蛮力,但是省去了过多的思考,半自动化:
%制作ROIID:先使用python读lobe和gyrus的名字,然后执行下面的语句 [lobe,gyrus,x,y,z,t,name_sub] = textread('for_circle.node','%s %s %d %d %d %f %s'); %%% 制作LobeID, GyrusID, ROIID, LinkID,使用excel for i = 1:len_sig index_start = find(edge_all==edge_s(i, 1)); index_end = find(edge_all==edge_s(i, 2)); edges_all_name(i,1:2) = [name_all(index_start), name_all(index_end)]; end %%% start lobe , end lobe for i = 1:len_sig cur_start = edges_all_name{i, 1}; index_start = find(strcmp(C,cur_start)); cur_end = edges_all_name{i,2}; index_end = find(strcmp(C, cur_end)); edges_all_name_2(i, 1) = A(index_start, 1); edges_all_name_2(i, 2) = A(index_end, 1); end %%% start lobe , end lobe for i = 1:len_sig cur_start = edges_all_name{i, 1}; index_start = find(strcmp(C,cur_start)); cur_end = edges_all_name{i,2}; index_end = find(strcmp(C, cur_end)); edges_all_name_2(i, 1) = B(index_start, 1); edges_all_name_2(i, 2) = B(index_end, 1); end %%% 制作LinkID的代码 point1 = zeros(len_sig, 1); point2 = zeros(len_sig, 1); for i = 1:len_sig cur_start = edges_all_name{i, 1}; index_start = find(strcmp(C,cur_start)); cur_end = edges_all_name{i,2}; index_end = find(strcmp(C, cur_end)); point1(i, 1) = D(index_start, 1) + 0.5; point2(i,1) = D(index_end, 1) + 0.5; end
代码以及数据文件制作过程都有了,动手实践起来吧小伙伴们,有什么问题,欢迎联系:[email protected]