procedure TFrmPrintReport.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var SchemaDoc, XmlDoc: IXMLDOMDocument2; SchemaCache: IXMLDOMSchemaCollection; Error: IXMLDOMParseError; begin // Load the data XmlDoc := CoDOMDocument40.Create; XmlDoc.async := False; XmlDoc.load('D:\RONGXING\旅客登记II\ReportAir\2007-11-20\SA_0711200845_ZYK.xml'); // Load the schema doc SchemaDoc := CoDOMDocument40.Create; SchemaDoc.async := False; SchemaDoc.load(ExtractFilePath(Application.Exename) +'tests\manifest.xsd'); // Register the schema with the cache SchemaCache := CoXMLSchemaCache40.Create; SchemaCache.add('', schemadoc); // Assign the schema cache to the document XmlDoc.schemas := schemacache; // Validate and report Error := xmldoc.validate; if Error.errorCode <> S_OK then Memo1.Lines.Add(Error.reason) else Memo1.Lines.Add('验证成功'); end;