1. tr 转换 转换不是替换(tr///==y///) tr/searchlist/replacementlist/用于查找某个一个字符串,并用replacementlist替换,可以使用正则表达式 my $str="this Is A teST"; $str=~tr/a-z/A-Z/; 把小写转换为大写 会输出THIS IS A TEST s/// options g 全局替换 i 忽略大小写 my $str3="this is a test\n"; $str3=~s/t/haha/g; =====>hahahis is a hahaeshaha
tr 与 替换的区别 tr可以使用正则表达式,替换不行,没法使用$str=~s/a-z/A-Z/; 不会有任何改变 tr/ab/ABC/ 替换原则是a->A b->B 而s/ab/ABC/会将ab->ABC
$count = $str3=~ tr/i/i/; # count the stars in $sky count the number of a and store into $count 统计i的个数存放在$count #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my $str1="this Is A tr TEST"; my $str2="this Is A tr TEST"; $str1=~s/t/T/g; $str2=~tr/a-z/A-Z/; print "$str1\n"; print "$str2\n"; my $str3="this is a test\n"; my $count=$str3=~tr/i/i/; print "\ncount the number of i --->$count<----\n"; 结果: D:\>perl count the number of i --->2<---- tr Options: c Complement the SEARCHLIST. 清单没写到的就补给他右边清单的最后一个字元 my $strs="have a good day\n"; print $strs; my $strs="have a good day\n";
$strs=~tr/ao/Ao/s; =====>hAve A god dAy 两个O变成一个 my $strs="have a good day\n"; 参考: 生成随机数: rand Returns a random fractional number greater than or equal to 0 and less than the value of EXPR. example:
int(rand(10)) returns a random integer between 0 and 9, inclusive.