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lua初学者 书_Windows 8循序渐进回顾:初学者扎实的书

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lua初学者 书

You might be surprised to see us reviewing a Windows 8 book, especially considering we recently launched our own book, The How-To Geek Guide to Windows 8 – but since we don’t (yet) have a paperback version, we may as well give you another option.

您可能会惊讶地发现我们正在审查一本Windows 8书籍,特别是考虑到我们最近发布了自己的书《 Windows 8入门指南》,但是由于我们(尚未)拥有平装本,因此我们也可能会给你另一个选择。

Note: we are indeed working on a paperback version of our book, but it’ll probably be a month before it’s available. Plus, the Step-by-Step book is written by Ciprian Rusen, a personal friend of mine, and it’s published by none other than Microsoft Press.

注意:我们确实在制作本书的平装本,但是可能要过一个月才能出版。 另外,《分步指南》由我的私人朋友西普里安·鲁森(Ciprian Rusen)撰写,并由Microsoft Press出版。

这本书 (The Book)

We’re not going to go into great detail, since we find book reviews to be quite boring, but there’s a few points that we’d like to talk about concerning this book, both the good and the bad.


The good


  • Great for Beginners: If you’re a beginner, this is definitely a solid book for you. They cover things like the Start Screen, personalizing, the built-in apps, basic networking, multimedia, family safety, and more. Anything that is new in Windows 8 is covered thoroughly.

    非常适合初学者:如果您是初学者,这绝对是一本扎实的书。 它们涵盖了“开始屏幕”,个性化,内置应用程序,基本网络,多媒体,家庭安全等内容。 Windows 8的所有新功能均已全面涵盖。

  • Step by Step Instructions: Just like the title implies, this is the one book out there (other than ours) that really takes care to go through everything in steps with pictures, but still have lots of coverage.


  • Fairly Inexpensive: The paperback version of this book is currently just $19.79 in the Amazon US store, and considering the book is 784 pages long, that’s a good deal. The Kindle version is priced at $14 – less of a bargain.

    相当便宜:这本书的平装本目前在亚马逊美国商店中仅售19.79美元,考虑到这本书长784页,这是一笔不错的交易。 Kindle版本的价格为14美元-便宜得多。

  • Table of Contents is Easy to Understand: The table of contents is laid out in a very easy to understand way – each section of each chapter is about how to solve a problem or how to do something. So if you want to know how to connect your Facebook account to the People app, it’s right there in the table of contents.

    目录很容易理解:目录以非常易于理解的方式进行布局-每章的每一节都是关于如何解决问题或如何做的。 因此,如果您想知道如何将您的Facebook帐户连接到“人脉”应用程序,就在目录中。

  • Good Coverage: Nearly everything new to Windows 8 is covered in this book. Don’t be fooled by other books that say they will give you “secrets” because there’s almost nothing that they cover that isn’t also covered in this book. Or our book, for that matter.

    良好的覆盖范围:本书几乎涵盖了Windows 8的所有新功能。 不要被其他会说给您“秘密”的书所迷惑,因为它们所涵盖的内容几乎没有,这本书也没有涵盖。 或我们的书,就此而言。

The bad


  • Touch Gestures Covered in the Appendix: Given the fact that Windows 8 is so focused on the new Touch-friendly interface, we were surprised that you have to flip to the Appendix to actually see coverage of the new touch gestures. We suspect that many people will be using Windows 8 for the first time on a touch-enabled device, so we’d think it would have been right up front and center. Note: the touch gestures are covered within the text of the book, just not illustrated until the end.

    附录中涵盖的触摸手势:鉴于Windows 8如此专注于新的“友好触摸”界面,我们感到惊讶的是,您不得不翻阅附录才能真正看到新触摸手势的涵盖范围。 我们怀疑很多人将是第一次在支持触摸功能的设备上使用Windows 8,因此我们认为它应该摆在首位。 注意:触摸手势包含在本书的文字中,直到最后才进行说明。

  • Typos: We don’t have a lot of room to talk here, since the first version of our book also had typos in it, but just be prepared if you’re the type of person to get upset about some typos.


  • Confusing Intro: When you open the book, it’s to a section called “Introducing Windows 8”. Then you flip a bunch of pages further and the first chapter is also called “Introducing Windows 8” – in the table of contents, they are both listed, but each one contains something different and you really need to read both. It’s a little confusing.

    令人困惑的简介:当您打开书本时,它位于名为“ Windows 8简介”的部分。 然后,您进一步翻动一堆页面,第一章也称为“ Windows 8简介”-在目录中,它们都被列出,但是每个包含不同的内容,您确实需要阅读两者。 这有点令人困惑。

Bottom line


  • If you want a paperback book that covers Windows 8 the way How-To Geek does, and you don’t want to wait a month or more for our book to come out in paperback, this is a solid choice.

    如果您希望像How-To Geek一样使用Windows 8的平装书,又不想等待一个月或更长时间才能以平装书的形式出版我们的书,这是一个不错的选择。

You can get the book through this Amazon link – and you should also check out the “Click to Look Inside” section so you can see the table of contents and part of the first chapter. You can also look in your local bookstore if you want, hopefully it’ll be there.

您可以通过此Amazon链接获取该书-您还应该查看“单击以查看内部”部分,以便查看目录和第一章的一部分。 如果需要,您也可以在当地的书店中查找,希望它会在那里。

Windows 8 Step by Step [Paperback] on Amazon.com

Windows 8在Amazon.com上分步进行[平装本]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/130579/windows-8-step-by-step-review-solid-book-for-beginners/

lua初学者 书








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