使用脚本目录 python
一.修改导出脚本 修改 cmd_args 添加 'cocos2dx_nodehelp.ini' : ('cocos2dx_nodehelp', 'lua_cocos2dx_nodehelp_auto'), \ 导出路径修改 output_dir = '%s/tools/toluaself/auto' % project_root
二.添加导出类配置 /Users/wangchengcheng/Documents/SelfZone/Cocos/MyGame/frameworks/cocos2d-x/tools/tolua 拷贝一份 cocos2dx_spine.ini 的配置
prefix = cocos2dx_nodehelptarget_namespace = cc
headers = %(cocosdir)s/tools/tolua/toluaclass/NodeHelp.h
classes = NodeHelp
skip =
abstract_classes =
extra_arguments = %(android_headers)s %(clang_headers)s %(android_flags)s %(clang_flags)s %(extral_tolua_class)s %(extra_flags)s
[cocos2dx_nodehelp] # create a target namespace (in javascript, this would create some code like the equiv. to `ns = ns || {}`) android_headers = -I%(androidndkdir)s/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/%(gnu_libstdc_version)s/libs/armeabi-v7a/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/%(gnu_libstdc_version)s/include clang_headers = -I%(clangllvmdir)s/%(clang_lib_version)s/clang/%(clang_version)s/include cocos_headers = -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/editor-support -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/platform/android -I%(cocosdir)s/external cocos_flags = -DANDROID cxxgenerator_headers =
# what headers to parse # what classes to produce code for. You can use regular expressions here. When testing the regular # what should we skip? in the format ClassName::[function function] skip = SkeletonRenderer::[findBone findSlot getAttachment setAttachment update draw createWithData], rename_functions = rename_classes = # for all class names, should we remove something when registering in the target VM? # classes for which there will be no "parent" lookup # base classes which will be skipped when their sub-classes found them. # classes that create no constructor # Determining whether to use script object(js object) to control the lifecycle of native(cpp) object or the other way around. Supported values are 'yes' or 'no'.
cocos2dx_formatlabel [cocos2dx_formatlabel] # create a target namespace (in javascript, this would create some code like the equiv. to `ns = ns || {}`) android_headers = -I%(androidndkdir)s/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/%(gnu_libstdc_version)s/libs/armeabi-v7a/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/%(gnu_libstdc_version)s/include clang_headers = -I%(clangllvmdir)s/%(clang_lib_version)s/clang/%(clang_version)s/include cocos_headers = -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos -I%(cocosdir)s/my -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/2d -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/base -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/ui -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/physics -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/2d/platform -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/2d/platform/android -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/math/kazmath -I%(cocosdir)s/extensions -I%(cocosdir)s/external -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/editor-support -I%(cocosdir)s cocos_flags = -DANDROID cxxgenerator_headers =
# what headers to parse # what classes to produce code for. You can use regular expressions here. When testing the regular # what should we skip? in the format ClassName::[function function] skip = SkeletonRenderer::[findBone findSlot getAttachment setAttachment update draw createWithData], rename_functions = rename_classes = # for all class names, should we remove something when registering in the target VM? # classes for which there will be no "parent" lookup # base classes which will be skipped when their sub-classes found them. # classes that create no constructor # Determining whether to use script object(js object) to control the lifecycle of native(cpp) object or the other way around. Supported values are 'yes' or 'no'.
[cocos2dx_wrappernode] # create a target namespace (in javascript, this would create some code like the equiv. to `ns = ns || {}`) android_headers = -I%(androidndkdir)s/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/%(gnu_libstdc_version)s/libs/armeabi-v7a/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/%(gnu_libstdc_version)s/include clang_headers = -I%(clangllvmdir)s/%(clang_lib_version)s/clang/%(clang_version)s/include cocos_headers = -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos -I%(cocosdir)s/my -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/2d -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/base -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/ui -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/physics -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/2d/platform -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/2d/platform/android -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/math/kazmath -I%(cocosdir)s/extensions -I%(cocosdir)s/external -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/editor-support -I%(cocosdir)s cocos_flags = -DANDROID cxxgenerator_headers =
# what headers to parse # what classes to produce code for. You can use regular expressions here. When testing the regular # what should we skip? in the format ClassName::[function function] skip = SkeletonRenderer::[findBone findSlot getAttachment setAttachment update draw createWithData], rename_functions = rename_classes = # for all class names, should we remove something when registering in the target VM? # classes for which there will be no "parent" lookup # base classes which will be skipped when their sub-classes found them. # classes that create no constructor # Determining whether to use script object(js object) to control the lifecycle of native(cpp) object or the other way around. Supported values are 'yes' or 'no'.