调用方式: figure; plotData = rand(1,59); topoplotEEG(plotData,'channel_locations_59ch.txt','electrodes','on','onlymark', [1 3 5 7 9]); topoplotEEG代码: % topoplot() - plot a topographic map of an EEG field as a 2-D % circular view (looking down at the top of the head) % using cointerpolation on a fine cartesian grid. % Usage: % >> topoplot(datavector,'eloc_file'); % >> topoplot(datavector,'eloc_file', 'Param1','Value1', ...) % Inputs: % datavector = vector of values at the corresponding locations. % 'eloc_file' = name of an EEG electrode position file {0 -> 'chan_file'} % % Optional Parameters & Values (in any order): % Param Value % 'colormap' - any sized colormap % 'interplimits' - 'electrodes' to furthest electrode % 'head' to edge of head % {default 'head'} % 'gridscale' - scaling grid size {default 67} % 'maplimits' - 'absmax' +/- the absolute-max % 'maxmin' scale to data range % [clim1,clim2] user-definined lo/hi % {default = 'absmax'} % 'style' - 'straight' colormap only % 'contour' contour lines only % 'both' both colormap and contour lines % 'fill' constant color between lines % 'blank' just head and electrodes % {default = 'both'} % 'numcontour' - number of contour lines % {default = 6} % 'shading' - 'flat','interp' {default = 'flat'} % 'headcolor' - Color of head cartoon {default black} % 'electrodes' - 'on','off','labels','numbers' % 'efontsize','electcolor','emarker','emarkersize' - details % % Note: topoplot() only works when map limits are >= the max and min % interpolated data values. % Eloc_file format: % chan_number degrees radius reject_level amp_gain channel_name % (Angle-0 = Cz-to-Fz; C3-angle =-90; Radius at edge of image = 0.5) % % For a sample eloc file: >> topoplot('example') % % Note: topoplot() will ignore any electrode with a position outside % the head (radius > 0.5) % Topoplot Version 2.1 % Begun by Andy Spydell, NHRC, 7-23-96 % 8-96 Revised by Colin Humphries, CNL / Salk Institute, La Jolla CA % -changed surf command to imagesc (faster) % -can now handle arbitrary scaling of electrode distances % -can now handle non integer angles in eloc_file % 4-4-97 Revised again by Colin Humphries, reformat by SM % -added parameters % -changed eloc_file format % 2-26-98 Revised by Colin % -changed image back to surface command % -added fill and blank styles % -removed extra background colormap entry (now use any colormap) % -added parameters for electrode colors and labels % -now each topoplot axes use the caxis command again. % -removed OUTPUT parameter % 3-11-98 changed default emarkersize, improve help msg -sm function handle = topoplot(Vl,loc_file,p1,v1,p2,v2,p3,v3,p4,v4,p5,v5,p6,v6,p7,v7,p8,v8,p9,v9,p10,v10) % User Defined Defaults: MAXCHANS = 256; DEFAULT_ELOC = 'eloc64.txt'; INTERPLIMITS = 'head'; % head, electrodes MAPLIMITS = 'absmax'; % absmax, maxmin, [values] GRID_SCALE = 67; CONTOURNUM = 6; STYLE = 'both'; % both,straight,fill,contour,blank HCOLOR = [0 0 0]; ECOLOR = [0 0 0]; CONTCOLOR = [0 0 0]; ELECTROD = 'on'; % ON OFF LABEL EMARKERSIZE = 6; EFSIZE = get(0,'DefaultAxesFontSize'); HLINEWIDTH = 2; EMARKER = '.'; SHADING = 'flat'; % flat or interp MARKIDX = NaN; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nargs = nargin; if nargs < 2 loc_file = DEFAULT_ELOC; end if nargs == 1 if isstr(Vl) if any(strcmp(lower(Vl),{'example','demo'})) fprintf(['This is an example of an electrode location file,\n',... 'an ascii file consisting of the following four columns:\n',... ' channel_number degrees arc_length channel_name\n\n',... 'Example:\n',... ' 1 -18 .352 Fp1.\n',... ' 2 18 .352 Fp2.\n',... ' 5 -90 .181 C3..\n',... ' 6 90 .181 C4..\n',... ' 7 -90 .500 A1..\n',... ' 8 90 .500 A2..\n',... ' 9 -142 .231 P3..\n',... '10 142 .231 P4..\n',... '11 0 .181 Fz..\n',... '12 0 0 Cz..\n',... '13 180 .181 Pz..\n\n',... 'The model head sphere has a diameter of 1.\n',... 'The vertex (Cz) has arc length 0. Channels with arc \n',... 'lengths > 0.5 are not plotted nor used for interpolation.\n'... 'Zero degrees is towards the nasion. Positive angles\n',... 'point to the right hemisphere; negative to the left.\n',... 'Channel names should each be four chars, padded with\n',... 'periods (in place of spaces).\n']) return end end end if isempty(loc_file) loc_file = 0; end if loc_file == 0 loc_file = DEFAULT_ELOC; end if nargs > 2 if ~(round(nargs/2) == nargs/2) error('topoplot(): Odd number of inputs?') end for i = 3:2:nargs Param = eval(['p',int2str((i-3)/2 +1)]); Value = eval(['v',int2str((i-3)/2 +1)]); if ~isstr(Param) error('topoplot(): Parameter must be a string') end Param = lower(Param); switch lower(Param) case 'colormap' if size(Value,2)~=3 error('topoplot(): Colormap must be a n x 3 matrix') end colormap(Value) case {'interplimits','headlimits'} if ~isstr(Value) error('topoplot(): interplimits value must be a string') end Value = lower(Value); if ~strcmp(Value,'electrodes') & ~strcmp(Value,'head') error('topoplot(): Incorrect value for interplimits') end INTERPLIMITS = Value; case 'maplimits' MAPLIMITS = Value; case 'gridscale' GRID_SCALE = Value; case 'style' STYLE = lower(Value); case 'numcontour' CONTOURNUM = Value; case 'electrodes' ELECTROD = lower(Value); case 'emarker' EMARKER = Value; case {'headcolor','hcolor'} HCOLOR = Value; case {'electcolor','ecolor'} ECOLOR = Value; case {'emarkersize','emsize'} EMARKERSIZE = Value; case {'efontsize','efsize'} EFSIZE = Value; case 'shading' SHADING = lower(Value); if ~any(strcmp(SHADING,{'flat','interp'})) error('Invalid Shading Parameter') end case 'onlymark' MARKIDX = Value; otherwise error('Unknown parameter.') end end end [r,c] = size(Vl); if r>1 & c>1, error('topoplot(): data should be a single vector\n'); end fid = fopen(loc_file); if fid<1, fprintf('topoplot(): cannot open eloc_file (%s).\n',loc_file); return end A = fscanf(fid,'%d %f %f %s',[7 MAXCHANS]); fclose(fid); A = A'; if length(Vl) ~= size(A,1), fprintf(... 'topoplot(): data vector must have the same rows (%d) as eloc_file (%d)\n',... length(Vl),size(A,1)); A error(''); end labels = setstr(A(:,4:7)); idx = find(labels == '.'); % some labels have dots labels(idx) = setstr(abs(' ')*ones(size(idx))); % replace them with spaces Th = pi/180*A(:,2); % convert degrees to radians Rd = A(:,3); ii = find(Rd <= 0.5); % interpolate on-head channels only Th = Th(ii); Rd = Rd(ii); Vl = Vl(ii); labels = labels(ii,:); [x,y] = pol2cart(Th,Rd); % transform from polar to cartesian coordinates rmax = 0.5; ha = gca; cla hold on if ~strcmp(STYLE,'blank') % find limits for interpolation if strcmp(INTERPLIMITS,'head') xmin = min(-.5,min(x)); xmax = max(0.5,max(x)); ymin = min(-.5,min(y)); ymax = max(0.5,max(y)); else xmin = max(-.5,min(x)); xmax = min(0.5,max(x)); ymin = max(-.5,min(y)); ymax = min(0.5,max(y)); end xi = linspace(xmin,xmax,GRID_SCALE); % x-axis description (row vector) yi = linspace(ymin,ymax,GRID_SCALE); % y-axis description (row vector) % [Xi,Yi,Zi] = griddata(y,x,Vl,yi',xi,'invdist'); % Interpolate data [Xi,Yi,Zi] = griddata(y,x,Vl,yi',xi,'v4'); % Take data within head mask = (sqrt(Xi.^2+Yi.^2) <= rmax); ii = find(mask == 0); Zi(ii) = NaN; % calculate colormap limits m = size(colormap,1); if isstr(MAPLIMITS) if strcmp(MAPLIMITS,'absmax') amin = -max(max(abs(Zi))); amax = max(max(abs(Zi))); elseif strcmp(MAPLIMITS,'maxmin') amin = min(min(Zi)); amax = max(max(Zi)); end else amin = MAPLIMITS(1); amax = MAPLIMITS(2); end delta = xi(2)-xi(1); % length of grid entry % Draw topoplot on head if strcmp(STYLE,'contour') contour(Xi,Yi,Zi,CONTOURNUM,'k'); elseif strcmp(STYLE,'both') if sum(isnan(MARKIDX)) surface(Xi-delta/2,Yi-delta/2,zeros(size(Zi)),Zi,'EdgeColor','none',... 'FaceColor',SHADING); % colorbar; contour(Xi,Yi,Zi,CONTOURNUM,'k'); end elseif strcmp(STYLE,'straight') surface(Xi-delta/2,Yi-delta/2,zeros(size(Zi)),Zi,'EdgeColor','none',... 'FaceColor',SHADING); % colorbar elseif strcmp(STYLE,'fill') contourf(Xi,Yi,Zi,CONTOURNUM,'k'); else error('Invalid style') end caxis([amin amax]) % set coloraxis end set(ha,'Xlim',[-rmax*1.3 rmax*1.3],'Ylim',[-rmax*1.3 rmax*1.3]) % %%% Draw Head %%%% l = 0:2*pi/100:2*pi; basex = .18*rmax; tip = rmax*1.15; base = rmax-.004; EarX = [.497 .510 .518 .5299 .5419 .54 .547 .532 .510 .489]; EarY = [.0555 .0775 .0783 .0746 .0555 -.0055 -.0932 -.1313 -.1384 -.1199]; % Plot Head, Ears, Nose plot(cos(l).*rmax,sin(l).*rmax,... 'color',HCOLOR,'Linestyle','-','LineWidth',HLINEWIDTH); plot([.18*rmax;0;-.18*rmax],[base;tip;base],... 'Color',HCOLOR,'LineWidth',HLINEWIDTH); plot(EarX,EarY,'color',HCOLOR,'LineWidth',HLINEWIDTH) plot(-EarX,EarY,'color',HCOLOR,'LineWidth',HLINEWIDTH) % Plot Electrodes if strcmp(ELECTROD,'on') if sum(isnan(MARKIDX)) hp2 = plot(y,x,EMARKER,'Color',ECOLOR,'markersize',EMARKERSIZE); else markedIdx = false(numel(y),1); markedIdx(MARKIDX) = true; hp2 = plot(y(~markedIdx),x(~markedIdx),EMARKER,'Color',ECOLOR,'markersize',EMARKERSIZE); hp2 = plot(y(markedIdx),x(markedIdx),EMARKER,'Color','r','markersize',3*EMARKERSIZE); end elseif strcmp(ELECTROD,'labels') for i = 1:size(labels,1) text(y(i),x(i),labels(i,:),'HorizontalAlignment','center',... 'VerticalAlignment','middle','Color',ECOLOR,... 'FontSize',EFSIZE) end elseif strcmp(ELECTROD,'numbers') whos y x for i = 1:size(labels,1) text(y(i),x(i),int2str(i),'HorizontalAlignment','center',... 'VerticalAlignment','middle','Color',ECOLOR,... 'FontSize',EFSIZE) end end hold off axis off