Only for learning exchange, do not use online projects
Lua Socket Event
LuaSocketEvent the Lua Socket Event, Asynchronous Socket. support platform for Linux, MacOSX, Windows, IOS, Android, Cocos2d-x.
LuaSocketEvent supports data and message in two formats, data are the original data, the message is 4 bytes unsigned int little endian and message content
Please implement lua_lock and lua_unlock for thread safe.
cd src
cl /O2 /W3 /c /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL l*.c
del lua.obj luac.obj
link /DLL /out:lua53.dll l*.obj
cl /O2 /W3 /c /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL lua.c luac.c
link /out:lua.exe lua.obj lua53.lib
del lua.obj
link /out:luac.exe l*.obj
cd ..