> input = torch.randn(5,10)
> target = torch.IntTensor{20,24,27,10,12}
> gradOutput = torch.randn(5)
> root_id = 29
> input_size = 10
> hierarchy = {
>> [29]=torch.IntTensor{30,1,2}, [1]=torch.IntTensor{3,4,5},
>> [2]=torch.IntTensor{6,7,8}, [3]=torch.IntTensor{9,10,11},
>> [4]=torch.IntTensor{12,13,14}, [5]=torch.IntTensor{15,16,17},
>> [6]=torch.IntTensor{18,19,20}, [7]=torch.IntTensor{21,22,23},
>> [8]=torch.IntTensor{24,25,26,27,28}
>> }
> smt = nn.SoftMaxTree(input_size, hierarchy, root_id)
> smt:forward{input, target}
[torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 5]
> smt:backward({input, target}, gradOutput)
1 : DoubleTensor - size: 5x10
2 : IntTensor - size: 5
> mlp = nn.Sequential()
> linear = nn.Linear(50,100)
> push = nn.PushTable(2)
> pull = push:pull(2)
> mlp:add(push)
> mlp:add(nn.SelectTable(1))
> mlp:add(linear)
> mlp:add(pull)
> mlp:add(smt) --smt is a SoftMaxTree instance
> mlp:forward{input, target} -- input and target are defined above
[torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 5]
> mlp:backward({input, target}, gradOutput) -- so is gradOutput
1 : DoubleTensor - size: 5x10
2 : IntTensor - size: 5
> mlp2 = nn.Sequential()
> para = nn.ParallelTable()
> para:add(linear)
> para:add(nn.Identity())
> mlp2:add(para)
> mlp2:add(smt)
> mlp2:forward{input, target}
[torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 5]
> mlp2:backward({input, target}, gradOutput)
1 : DoubleTensor - size: 5x10
2 : IntTensor - size: 5
In some cases, this can simplify the digraph of Modules. Note that
a PushTable can be associated to many PullTables, but each PullTable
is associated to only one PushTable.
### CTCCriterion ###
criterion = nn.CTCCriterion()
Creates a Criterion based on Baidus' [warp-ctc](https://github.com/baidu-research/warp-ctc) implementation.
This Module measures the loss between a 3D output of (batch x time x inputdim) and a target without needing alignment of inputs and labels.
Must have installed warp-ctc which can be installed via luarocks:
luarocks install http://raw.githubusercontent.com/baidu-research/warp-ctc/master/torch_binding/rocks/warp-ctc-scm-1.rockspec
Supports cuda via:
criterion = nn.CTCCriterion():cuda()
output = torch.Tensor({{{1,2,3,4,5},{6,7,8,9,10}}}) -- Tensor of size 1x1x5 (batch x time x inputdim).
label = {{1,3}}
sizes = torch.Tensor({2}) -- Size of each sequence (sequence-length) in the batch as a tensor
ctcCriterion = nn.CTCCriterion()
err = ctcCriterion:forward(output,label,sizes)
gradOut = ctcCriterion:backward(output,label)
print("Error : " .. err)
print("Gradients :")
ctcCriterion = ctcCriterion:cuda() -- Switch to cuda implementation.
output = output:cuda()
err = ctcCriterion:forward(output,label,sizes)
gradOut = ctcCriterion:backward(output,label)
print("Error : " .. err)
print("Gradients :")
Error : 4.9038286209106
Gradients :
(1,.,.) =
0.0117 -0.9683 0.0861 0.2341 0.6364
0.0117 0.0317 0.0861 -0.7659 0.6364
[torch.FloatTensor of size 1x2x5]
Error : 4.9038290977478
Gradients :
(1,.,.) =
0.0117 -0.9683 0.0861 0.2341 0.6364
0.0117 0.0317 0.0861 -0.7659 0.6364
[torch.CudaTensor of size 1x2x5]
<a name='nnx.MultiSoftMax'/>
### MultiSoftMax ###
This Module takes 2D or 3D input and performs a softmax over the last dimension.
It uses the existing [SoftMax](https://github.com/torch/nn/blob/master/doc/transfer.md#nn.SoftMax)
CUDA/C code to do so such that the Module can be used on both GPU and CPU.
This can be useful for [keypoint detection](https://github.com/nicholas-leonard/dp/blob/master/doc/facialkeypointstutorial.md#multisoftmax).
<a name='nnx.SpatialReSampling'/>
### SpatialReSampling ###
Applies a 2D re-sampling over an input image composed of
several input planes (or channels, colors). The input tensor in `forward(input)` is
expected to be a 3D or 4D tensor of size : `[batchSize x] nInputPlane x width x height`.
The number of output planes will be the same as the number of input
The re-sampling is done using [bilinear interpolation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation).
For a simple nearest-neihbor upsampling, use `nn.SpatialUpSampling()`,
and for a simple average-based down-sampling, use
If the input image is a 3D tensor of size `nInputPlane x height x width`,
the output image size will be `nInputPlane x oheight x owidth` where
`owidth` and `oheight` are given to the constructor.
Instead of `owidth` and `oheight`, one can provide `rwidth` and `rheight`,
such that `owidth = iwidth*rwidth` and `oheight = iheight*rheight`.
As an example, we can run the following code on the famous Lenna image:
require 'image'
require 'nnx'
input = image.loadPNG('doc/image/Lenna.png')
l = nn.SpatialReSampling{owidth=150,oheight=150}
output = l:forward(input)
image.save('doc/image/Lenna-150x150-bilinear.png', output)
The input:
The re-sampled output:
Once loaded, tab-completion will help you navigate through the
library (note that most function are added directly to nn):