mogilefsd: crash log: Modification of a read-only value attempted at /usr/local/share/perl5/Sys/ line 227./usr/local/share/perl5/Sys/ 0.25版本的bug降级cpanm http://search.cpan.or ...……
=head1 NAME
The name of your program or module.
A one-line description of what your program or module does (purportedly).
The bulk of your documentation. (B ...……
Perl中文/unicode/utf8/GB2312编码之间的转换是一件很让人头疼的事情,我总结了以下主要的转换方法,供大家了解参考。# author: jiangyujie
use utf8;
use Encode;
use URI::Escape;
$/ = amp;quot;/namp;quot;;
# ...……
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my @numbers;
print “enter the ctrl + z to continue:\n”;
push @numbers,split;
foreach (sort {aamp;amp;amp;lt;=amp;amp;amp;gt;aamp;amp;amp;lt;=amp;a ...……
package Person ; # package name must be same as file namesub new{my $class = shift ;my ($name, $age) = @_ ;my $self = {amp;quot;nameamp;quot; =amp;amp;gt; $name,amp;quot;ageamp;quo ...……
Summary: in this tutorial, you are going to learn about Perl if statement that allows you to control the execution of code conditionally.
Simple Perl if statement
Perl if statement allows you to contr……